Teksten bij geluidsfragmenten “Een nationaal lied van de Iraqw?”

Geluidsfragment 1:

hhoo’ koomaane.                           Let us have peace.

hhoo’ koomaan.                             Let us have peace.

hhoo’ ka koomaan.                        Peace we have

hhoo’ ka koomaan.                        Peace we have

siiwa matlee,                                  The time of the morning

siiwa matlér ló’,                              the time of the early morning

matlér ló’ tsatsa/aar,                     the early misty morning


Geluidsfragment 2:

ta /iikwi diifitaan.                         Let us spread out to the North

ay ayá Sandeemo 2                        to the land of Sandeemo

bar Duwanqeedamo                      the Maasai man

án ku lu/uusaká.                            I don’t curse him

xaa ti slaa’aslaa’aane.                    let us love each other

kar sixmó dakók                             and the bracelet on his arm

aakó doorén ngu qaasi                  will be worn by our father

kudú daktó /iiya’i.                          the one of his right hand

bar tsataydú doohúng                   and the knife of your house

kudú bará Duwanqeet                   the one of the Maasai

i yaami huwi 2                                 will fall into the ground

bar tseepá doohúng 2                    and the milk gourd of your house

kar lo /ameenár doorén                well the women of our house

/ameena girwa xúf 2                      the women will drink from it

bar manomó /uuwa 2                   The Bantu from the west

nee dasú doorén                             let the girls from our house

dasú Maanda                                  and the Bantu girls

kar boyo dinkwa 2                         dance together

masombár doorén                         and let the boys of our house

xaa láy alxawíin                              sleep with them


Geluidsfragment 3:

tlawu nee daanda.                         the coat and the back

ya/ati nee kolo.                               the sandal and the heel

ya/ati nee kolo.                               the sandal and the heel

dawa nee picha.                              the hand and the camera

át kuqú masongomo.                    us and the white man

án nee gitsiimi .                                I and my grass


Aga faakaan. Anága wáatl doorén alé. Aná Hhawú Tarmo; aná Hhawú Tarmo; balokaro masonge.

We have finished. I am going home. I am Hhawu Tarmo, some day a white man.